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The seven largest airline manufacturer, chief technology officer joint statement

The environment

More than a decade ago, the industry is the world's first big target industry.Today, we gathered again, to support aviation civil aviation net zero carbon emissions by 2050 promises, and reiterated the required to achieve this goal a certified sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) the importance of the production, distribution and supply.More than 50 years, fuel-efficient aircraft technology development has always been the priorities of aviation.SAF is more widely used to alleviate global air travel demand increase of aviation carbon emissions are expected to grow.

Seven companies we work in three key areas for the core, unswervingly provide the technology needed to reduce carbon air transportation industry solution:

's aircraft and develop advanced propulsion technologies, while maintaining the industry safety and quality standards to realize net zero carbon emissions;

Low implementation of aircraft operations and infrastructure improvements;

Support related policies and measures, in order to enhance the authentication of SAF capacity, and expand its application.

To expand production and utilization SAF is by 2050 aviation transportation net zero emissions targets key step.However, the estimated SAF yield less than 0.1% of the global aviation fuel demand.Moreover, the price of SAF is usually two to five times the price of conventional jet fuel.Other industries for decarbonization alternatives (such as ground transportation and heating) competition for renewable fuel further restrict its supply.

We support including the United States in 2022, the inflation cut act (IRA), will encourage investment in production capacity, reduce costs, to encourage the industry to take part in the official policies and measures, the bill for the mixed fuel companies offer tax breaks.IRA by providing funds to support the development of advanced technology and infrastructure construction, so as to improve the production and distribution capabilities, SAF and fuel-efficient aircraft or other flying reduction projects possible.Including the federal aviation administration (FAA) FAST Tech plan, the government and social capital cooperation (PPP), will strengthen the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) adopts the way of emerging SAF, testing and technical audit, to ensure seamless out the commercial fleet.

Also, the chief technology officer for ReFuelEU Aviation welcomed the plan a political agreement, it will be deployed in the air transport SAF send a clear signal, and we look forward to the legislation through as soon as possible.Eu need to be in the Net Zero industrial Act (Net Zero Industry Act) within the framework of implementation of reasonable industrial policy support, in renewable and low-carbon fuels Industry alliance (RLCF) based on the work, to speed up the business scale of SAF and synthetic kerosene supply.In addition, support can on existing infrastructure development coordination treatment technology certification, will also accelerate the SAF availability on a commercial scale.

The government and social capital through policy cooperation and docking, and financial incentives, in increasing development and use of SAF plays a key role.Policymakers have opportunities for long-term development of new technology to provide sustained and predictable support, and by stimulating capacity to speed up the process of ascension.After recognize the aviation decarburization related technical challenges, we think that increase the intensity of public policy and financial support, to speed up the SAF in ground transportation fuel is very important for the production and distribution.In addition, the infrastructure development and SAF capacity investment, need to work closely with industry and fuel suppliers, to speed up the supply, so as to meet the demand.Finally, establish 100% SAF certification standards, to ensure its and civil and legitimate defense applications and aircraft engine is fully compatible with, it is very important.

As the chief technology officer, we are committed to support ascension SAF supply policy, at the same time, through the global coordinated action to ensure sustained and predictable demand.In modern life, the aviation industry plays a connecting citizens, the key role of the economy and the country.we一致认为,航空业拥有繁荣与更加可持续的未来,并且这一目标可通过尽快实施长久的全球航空业协调一致的政策得以实现。

The CTO statement

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