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Safran with Air Liquide group, Air Liquide exclusive talks, to buy the aircraft oxygen and nitrogen


On June 1, 2023, Paris, France

Safran announced with Air Liquide (hereinafter referred to as "Air Liquide") exclusive talks, to buy the Air Liquide advanced Technologies, the company's business aviation oxygen and nitrogen, but does not include Marine application related business in low temperature.

Headquartered in SaSenNa (located in France, hazel province), air liquide aviation technology business focused on the oxygen and nitrogen equipment and system development.The company has nearly 220 employees, 2022 annual turnover of more than 40 million euros.

Safran oxygen system air systems company sales department, responsible for the design to ensure that the civil and military aircraft and helicopter crew and passenger safety equipment, is currently in the United States and France has almost 500 employees.

The acquisition will further expand the company's products range of aviation system, especially in the aspect of onboard oxygen generating system (OBOGS), and makes the safran through system integration has become important market leader.

Safran air systems, chief executive of Sebastien Weber said: "we this project as well as the prospect of air liquide oxygen and nitrogen aviation technology team to join us very happy.Business between the two sides are highly complementary and professional ability, thus bringing to the market we will be together a more complete and efficient solution."

Must complete the proposed deal with Air Liquide advanced Technologies and the related staff of aviation system of representative offices of notification and consultation procedures, and common regulatory approval.The deal is expected to be completed in early 2024.

Contact us

Safra爱游戏直播苹果app下载n (Safran)Is an international high-tech group company, the business scope covers the aviation (propulsion, equipment, and built-in), defense and aerospace fields.Its core purpose is committed to building more security and sustainable development of the world, let air transport more environmental protection, comfort and convenience.Safran business all over the world, with 83000 employees, 2022 annual turnover of 19 billion euros.Separate or through cooperation, safran world or European leader in its core market.Safran promised in its technology innovation roadmap will vigorously promote dominated by environmental research and development projects.Safran is listed on the nyse euronext Paris, the French cac 40The stoxx index and Europe50One of the index company.

Safran air systems, inc. (爱游戏直播苹果app下载Safran Aerosystems)Is committed to the planes and helicopters safety, fluid flow and air fuel management system in the field of one of the leaders in the world.Company is flying security areas (oxygen, emergency evacuation, floating system) of the main participants, by contributing to the sustainable alternative fuel and new participates in the airline industry decarburization process engine architecture.Company employs 5200 people in seven countries.

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