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Safran to airbus company deliver the first batch of tianjin by its new integration hub assembly LEAP - 1 a propulsion system


On May 31, 2023, tianjin

Safran nacelle company to airbus has delivered the first batch of tianjin by its new integration center assembled for bringing the LEAP - 1 a propulsion system (including engine and nacelle).

This is safran in Toulouse, France, Hamburg, Germany and the United States mobile nacelle integration center, after the establishment of a fourth nacelle integration center.Bringing the center is located in the tianjin free trade zone, near the airbus assembly line, embodies the safran as much as possible close to the aircraft manufacturer customer to support the development of Chinese market.

Tianjin integration center covers an area of 5000 square meters, to integrate the airbus final assembly in China bringing CFM * LEAP - 1 a engine of the plane and the nacelle, and is committed to integrate all the operations on a: engine equipment and nacelle components (inlet, engine fairing, reverse pushing device, and the exhaust) assembly, spraying, airbus's acceptance and airlines, and delivered to the airbus assembly line and integration support under the wing, etc.The center will have 15 to 20 experienced employees, will deliver 90 units annually since 2024, propulsion system.

Benefit from safran nacelle company is located in the experience of other regional integration center, tianjin integration center workshop according to the movable type production line design, can according to the needs of airbus in order to promote production line or the way operation of the fixed position.So that some of the engine can be guided to the secondary flow area, designed specifically to support assembly line homework without affecting the assembly of other propulsion system.

Vincent Caro, safran nacelle company chief executive said:"This new integration center is safran nacelle company professional skills in the field of propulsion system integration display window.It thanks to all our nacelle integration center best practices in industrial organization and skills and experience."

(*)CFMInternational co., LTD. Is a safran aircraft engine company and general electric (ge)50/50Strands of the joint venture company.

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Safran (爱游戏直播苹果app下载)Is an international high-tech group company, the business scope covers the aviation (propulsion, equipment, and built-in), defense and aerospace fields.Its core purpose is committed to building more security and sustainable development of the world, let air transport more environmental protection, comfort and convenience.Safran business all over the world, with 83000 employees, 2022 annual turnover of 19 billion euros.Separate or through cooperation, safran world or European leader in its core market.Safran promised in its technology innovation roadmap will vigorously promote dominated by environmental research and development projects.Safran is listed on the nyse euronext Paris, French CAC40 and euro stoxx 50 index is one of the company.

Safran nacelle companyFor aircraft nacelle design, integration, support and after-sales service.As more than one hundred commercial aircraft, business and regional aircraft in the global market leader, safran nacelle company with its advanced technology, the nacelle and engine lightweight design, aerodynamics and further integration with advanced acoustic processing, in order to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and the noise of the plane.

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